
This post is not exactly about any particular Friday project, but more about the best resource on the web (do people still use that term???) to find great projects to do with your kids.  I’m talking about Pinterest, but you probably knew that already.  If you didn’t, where have you been?  Haven’t gotten an invitation to join?  Just let me know and I’ll send you one.

Anyway, Pinterest.  It’s pretty much the most awesome thing ever.  “Why?” you ask?  It’s nothing revolutionary, but it is an incredibly easy way to organize everything that you find on the Internet so that you can easily find it again.  Recipes, design ideas, DIY cleaning supplies…AND lots and lots of creative projects for families.  Anything from homemade play dough to organizing artwork, it’s great.

Aside from all of that, though, I think that Pinterest helps everyday people define their style in a very simple format.  This is one of my Oprah moments where I’m going to make something unnecessary seem life changing, but there is something about seeing random things that attract you put together in one organized and visually appealing way.  You begin to see patterns form and a little imaginary world is unveiled where your food always looks camera-ready and your decorating budget is limitless.  Even though this is virtual reality at its personal best, living in that world for the few minutes in the day that you can selfishly devote to ‘pinning’ is a relaxing escape and it’s FREE.  Hooray!  And if you need an ego boost, the dozens of emails that you receive notifying you that random people like your pins can give you delusions of quitting your job and becoming an interior decorator (obviously your taste is impeccable).

Having moved into our new house just a few months ago, I have been pinning design ideas like crazy.  Pinterest has helped me create a color palate and even given me some ideas on how to do make my house look great on a budget.  Here’s a snapshot of what my home may look like some day.  Have fun pinning!

Published by fridaysfromhome

I am a wife and working mother of two living in Oak Park, Illinois. I am a Kentucky native and try to infuse everything I do with a little bit of Southern flavor. Growing up, when I was having a bad day, my dad would always tell me, "Some days, ya can't win a dime." I'm hoping that means that most days you can!

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